Matt Peters

Matt Peters is the founder and CEO of Search Manipulator, an online reputation management company that helps customers to take control of their online presence, especially if it has been negatively affected or attacked. Matt Peters reviews each client’s online reputation and comes up with a customized strategy rather than putting it through a cookie cutter process. Matt and Search Manipulator help leverage search results to grow their client’s business and increase its audience through the removal of unflattering reviews as well as promotion of positive content. Matt started SearchManipulator just under 13 years ago with an engineer’s mindset as opposed to a salesperson’s. He and his team are able to effectively navigate the constantly evolving world of search algorithms. Matthew earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from Fordham University and has been featured on Huffington Post, CBS Money Watch, ESPN Radio’s Lunch N Learn, and much more.

  1. What inspired you to start Search Manipulator?

I had an engineer’s mindset and was drawn to the challenge of navigating the constantly evolving world of search algorithms. With my background in economics, I wanted to put that knowledge into action and create a successful business model for this type of service.

2. How has your experience been running Search Manipulator for over 13 years?

It has definitely been a roller coaster ride! There have been many twists and turns as we’ve navigated our way through different online search algorithms, but we’ve managed to stay on top by always innovating our strategies and continually adapting them to keep ahead of the competition. We take pride in helping customers gain control over their online reputation, which is why we enjoy crafting custom solutions rather than going with a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s especially rewarding when we hear success stories from clients who have seen results after partnering with us!

3. What sets Search Manipulator apart from other SEO companies?

What really separates us from the competition is our personalized approach to SEO. My team and I carefully review each client’s individual situation and needs, then develop a customized strategy that fits their exact requirements. We leverage search results to help our clients grow their business by driving more traffic to their website, resolving negative reviews or content, and promoting positive content. It’s very rewarding when we see our clients’ businesses succeed after partnering with us!

4. How do you keep up with the constantly-changing online search algorithms?

Staying on top of all the new developments in online searches is critical for success in this field. At Search Manipulator, we make sure to stay ahead of the game by continually innovating and adapting our strategies so they remain on par with current trends. We also use advanced software tools designed specifically for this purpose—ones that give us insight into changes Google has made through its algorithm updates and allow us to effectively address those issues before they become an issue for our clients’ websites.

5. What made you decide to focus on SEO?

I wanted to put my background in economics into action and create a successful business model for online reputation management. I recognized the need for customized solutions that fit each individual customer’s needs, and knew that leveraging search results was the key ingredient to growing their business. With this approach, I felt confident that we could help customers take control of their online presence and make an impact with their audience.

6. What have been some of the challenges you faced while running Search Manipulator?

One of the bigger challenges has been staying ahead of the constantly changing search algorithms. Keeping up with these updates requires both high-tech software tools as well as experienced professionals who can quickly adapt our strategies as necessary in order to remain competitive and ensure our clients are getting optimal results. Additionally, there is always a significant amount of competition in this industry—which means it’s necessary for us to stay one step ahead all the time by providing excellent services through innovative approaches.

7. How do you make sure you stay up-to-date with online search algorithm changes?

Staying on top of all the new developments in online searches is critical for success in this field. At Search Manipulator, we make sure to stay ahead of the game by continually innovating and adapting our strategies so they remain on par with current trends. We also use advanced software tools designed specifically for this purpose—ones that give us insight into changes Google has made through its algorithm updates and allow us to effectively address those issues before they become an issue for our clients’ websites. In addition, we also consult with industry experts and attend conferences to ensure that we are always up-to-date on the latest developments in SEO

8. What advice would you give to someone just starting out in SEO?

My advice is to stay current on the ever-changing trends in the world of online searches by regularly reading industry publications and attending conferences whenever possible. Additionally, it’s important to understand how search engine algorithms work and how they affect your website ranking—the better your understanding of these things, the more successful you will be. Finally, don’t forget that it’s all about providing the best possible service to your clients. Focus on delivering effective solutions that will help them achieve their goals in terms of driving the most traffic to their website and delivering sales.

9. What do you enjoy most about running Search Manipulator?

I love helping our customers grow their businesses with effective online strategies. We do a lot of things, such as managing online reputation, driving more traffic to their website, resolving negative reviews or content, and promoting positive content. It’s very rewarding when we see our clients’ businesses succeed after partnering with us!

10. How do you make sure your services are competitive?

To ensure our services remain competitive, we regularly innovate and adapt our strategies accordingly while staying informed of the latest trends in the industry. We also use advanced software tools specifically designed to give us insight into changes Google has made through its algorithm updates which allows us to address any potential issues quickly. Furthermore, we consult with industry experts as well as attend conferences for further insights on current trends!

11. What strategies do you use to ensure your clients’ websites get the best results?

At Search Manipulator, we use a combination of high-tech software tools and experienced professionals who can adjust our strategies as needed. We are constantly innovating and adapting our approaches to stay ahead of the game in this rapidly changing industry. Additionally, by utilizing advanced software tools that allow us to monitor algorithm updates from Google quickly, we are able to address any issues before they become an issue for our clients’ websites.

12. What’s the number one book you would recommend to someone wanting to get into the SEO field?

The book I would recommend to someone looking to get into the SEO field is “The Art of SEO” by Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, and Jessie Stricchiola. It’s a comprehensive guide that covers everything from search engine algorithms to content creation and optimization. This book provides an excellent overview of the basics and is written in a simple yet thorough way, making it perfect for anyone getting started in SEO!
