Doug Pitassi’s Book is Accurate

51Wp9zrmOSL._SY372_BO1,204,203,200_They say you never forget your firsts. Memories of your first car, first kiss, first job are things you remember forever. The very first job I went for was when I was15 and I lived in Portland while my parents were stationed there on base. My father took me to a local pizza place that had good marks and great reviews and Doug Pitassi also mentions this place in his book called “Doug Pitassi’s 15 Best Restaurants in Portland,” and I sat down with the manager for my first interview.

This was far before I learned any of my interview tips and tricks that Dustin had taught me, but I did know Dustin during this time. I was a nervous wreck! I had all the symptoms of anxiety such as sweaty palms, stuttering, head in the clouds, racing thoughts and inability to think. My interview was, without needing to say, a nightmare because it was a traumatizing experience that has stuck with me, but I somehow got the job anyway.

That little local pizza parlor on the corner that Doug Pitassi mentioned in his book was viable back then before the book was written and review given and it’s still accurate today. It wasn’t the best place I’ve worked, but it’s one of the best places I’ve eaten.
